Your investment today is building a world where All teen girls are safe, seen, and supported.

The Teen Girls Unity Walk is a program of Crittenton Services of Greater Washington, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

All donations made are tax-deductible.

Sponsorship levels




  • Prominent logo placement on all promotional materials, TGUW & CSGW website, and all event signage. Unlimited free registration to the Walk, the opportunity for an executive to speak at the opening ceremony, ad placement in Crittenton’s community resource booklet, the opportunity to build your own company team with free t-shirts included, and a company booth on site atTGUW for community engagement.

    (restrictions applied)

Pace Setter


  • Prominent logo placement on all promotional materials, TGUW & CSGW website, and all event signage. (16) free registrations to the Walk, ad placement in Crittenton’s community resource booklet, the opportunity to build your own company team with free t-shirts included, and a company booth on-site at TGUW for community engagement.

    (restrictions applied)




  • Logo placement on all promotional materials, TGUW & CSGW website, and all event signage. (12) free registrations to the Walk, the opportunity to build your own company team with free t-shirts included, and a company booth on-site at TGUW for community engagement.

    (restrictions applied)



  • Logo placement on all promotional materials, TGUW & CSGW website, and all event signage. (10) free registrations to the Walk, an opportunity to build your own company team with free t-shirts included, and a company booth on-site at TGUW for community engagement.

    (restrictions applied)

mover & shaker


  • Logo placement on all promotional materials, TGUW & CSGW website, and all event signage. (8) free registrations to the Walk, the opportunity to build your own company team with free t-shirts included, and a company booth on-site at TGUW for community engagement.

    (restrictions applied)